Penelope Cruz's thighs: Secrets of an A-list body
By Peta Bee
PUBLISHED: 20:31 EST, 29 October 2012 | UPDATED: 20:31 EST, 29 October 2012
We reveal how to get the enviable physiques of the stars. This week, Penelope Cruzs thighs
It's hard to believe she has a 21-month-old child and is approaching 40, for Penelope Cruz has the same slender thighs she did a decade ago.
Her trainer, Gunnar Peterson, puts the Spanish actress through a year-round regimen of constantly changing exercise, which includes strength training (such as weights), cardio intervals (such as sprinting) and stretching.
Cruz also keeps her legs in shape by jogging and dancing.
Penelope Cruz's exercise regimen includes strength training (such as weights), cardio intervals (such as sprinting) and stretching
TRY THIS: Squats with an exercise ball are a sure route to leaner thighs.
Start by standing with your back facing a wall and placing an exercise ball between the wall and the curve of your lower back.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend your knees and lower your body by around ten inches, keeping your back straight, shoulders level and hips square.
When your thighs are parallel to the floor, hold the position for three seconds. Roll back up to a standing position.
The ball should be kept behind you at all times, as this helps support the back. ! Repeat ten to 12 times.
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